Sofia Coppola photographed by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images
Enlisting Bill Murray to star in her 2003 movie Lost in Translation wasn’t exactly easy for Sofia Coppola. She wrote the character of Bob Harris with Murray in mind yet — despite the success of her prior film, The Virgin Suicides, and the pull of the famous Coppola family name — wasn’t able to reach him for months. She left messages. Sent letters. Had mutual acquaintances contact him. And nothing.

But true to her Taurus nature, Coppola never gave up. “I think the best talent of Taureans,” writes astrologer Susie Cox in her book Susie’s Sun Signs, “is their steadfast attitude. They are not easily discouraged when they have a goal in mind…. Their deliberate and focused mind can accomplish more than almost any other sign.” The director finally snagged him — almost a year later — when friend Mitch Glazer was having drinks with him in New York; she ditched her previous theater plans and dashed over. The film, and Murray, would end up garnering a myriad of nominations and awards that year.

The other traits that Cox outlines for this sign — calm, stable, industrious, strong — serve Coppola equally well as the commander-in-chief on set. “They have a sense of authority when they speak,” Cox adds. “Geminis will chatter on when they talk. [But] Taureans answer deliberately and with far fewer words.”

And, indeed, just consider how actor Jason Schwartzman, in a 2006 Vanity Fair article, described his experience working with Coppola in Marie Antoinette. “Her idea of what she wants is so well thought out and just so well worded that even the sentence sounds beautiful,” he said. “She doesn’t have to say anything else. She just has to say one sentence and you totally get it.”

To discover your horoscope from Cox, now that we’re in the earth sign of Taurus (April 20th – May 21st), keep reading.

Happy birthday, sweet Taurus! There are several planets in Taurus right now. One of them is Mars, who will be in your sign until May 12th. The planet Mars will make you even stronger than you already feel. Do something bold for your birthday!

Venus is now moving through Gemini and will be there until May 8th. You will feel loving, creative and artsy so see if you can do a creative project now. Oh yes, you might feel more romantic than normal — lucky you!

When Venus leaves Gemini it enters your sign of Cancer, where it will be from May 8th until June 5th. This is your one time of the year when you are blessed with Venus. Love, beauty, friends and family will be your theme.

The largest planet, Jupiter, is in Leo only once in 12 years and is there now until August 11th. Jupiter loves being in your confident sign of Leo, so this is the time for you to rock it, beautiful and brave Leo. Think Big!

Your power dates this month are April 29th and 30th. Your projects will magically come to a sweet completion on those days. Focus and you will feel quite accomplished.

Planets are lining up in your house of other people’s money this month. See if you can do that negotiation you have wanted to complete. Organize your finances this month and you will be in your natural flow.

The full moon is in Scorpio this month on May 3rd. That only happens once a year and is your time to allow your Scorpio intensity to shine brightly. Don’t feel bad if you want to spend the full moon alone, as sometimes, it’s the Scorpio way.

Saturn is in Sagittarius now and will be there for the next couple of years. Mercury aligns with Saturn on May 3rd for laser-beam emphasis on a project and Mars aligns on May 15th to finish it. Great work month for you!

Your power dates this month are May 21st and 22nd. Your usual stoic nature will be very much softened by tender emotions during those dates. The gentle Capricorn will emerge, just for a while.

Aquarius is the sign of the genius and you will feel it this month. Your creativity will be off the charts now, so plan accordingly. Bring out your paints and colors, brilliant Aquarius!

Your power dates this month are May 12th and 13th. Pisces are the dreamers of the zodiac and you will be extra, super-duper dreamy on those days. Take plenty of naps, read fun magazines and maybe catch a matinee movie. Dream!

Aries is a fire sign and there are lots of planets in the fire signs right now. Spring is your time of the year anyway, but you are feeling extra energized now. Run fast and jump high, dear Aries!

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