F. Scott Fitzgerald, photographed by American Stock/Getty Images
What do F. Scott Fitzgerald (above), Yo-Yo Ma, Mahatma Gandhi, Marion Cotillard and Harold Pinter all have in common? They’re all Libras, the sign of — as astrologer Susie Cox notes in her book Susie’s Sun Signs — love and romance, the diplomat and the negotiator, the peacemaker and communicator. Keep reading to discover your horoscope from Cox, now that we’re in the month of that air sign (September 24-October 23).

Happy Birthday, Libra! Mercury is still retrograde in Libra until October 10th. Now is the time to get very clear with your partners, whether love or business. Are you asking for what you want, or are you just being quiet and hoping you get it?

There will be a deep clarity in you about something that has been troubling you, on October 14th and 15th. Then, the next day, on October 16th, you will resolve the situation. This is a powerful time for you, dear Scorpio. Use it.

You naturally feel independent and mid-October will test you when an authority figure wants to take charge. You might have to stand up for your rights, but you can do it.

Your power dates are October 19th to the 21st. These are the best days to meet with business associates to work on projects. Plan to have a very productive week attending to details. Make a Capricorn to-do List!

The Aquarius spirit is often quite aloof, but you will feel amazingly social from October 21st to the 23rd. Go to an art opening or out to eat at that new restaurant with friends. Fun is in the air.

Pisces isn’t known for being systematic and orderly, but there is a party of planets in Virgo now that is aligning with your Pisces. So if you’re in the mood or are being forced to organize something, this is the month to do it.

The full moon is on Sunday, October 27th, and is in your sign of Aries. It happens to be a total eclipse of the moon, visible in the U.S. and Europe. Have an Aries party and watch the eclipse! Of course, this means change for you, since you’re an Aries.

The last week in September is your window in time this month for money or business deals. Go to the top and meet the highest and most powerful people during these days for a better shot at success. See it as your power week.

You will be meeting some new friends and fun people early in October. The conversation will flow very easily as like-minded ideas are discussed in a joyous style. Laughter will be everywhere. Maybe a weekend road trip is in store for you, Gemini.

A relationship situation that has been building up will come to a peak on October 5th. But never fear — the next few days will bring an incredible solution that will soothe things quite nicely.

Venus is still in your sign of Leo until October 8th. Make sure to get some special spa treatments or goodies before that ends. You’re a Leo… you deserved it!

You have three important planets in your sign of Virgo now: Jupiter, Venus and Mars. They will be here this entire month and Jupiter will be there for one year. This is a lucky and fortunate time for you, dear Virgo. Do you feel it?

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