Darcy Miller wears Tory Burch’s Sgt Pepper jacket, Adalia top and Octagon necklace, Photographed by Noa Griffel in New York City
6:00 AM
Say good morning to all my gadgets and check Twitter, which I recently joined — sooo addictive.
6:30 AM
“Mommmmy!” Bedroom door flies open — our three daughters jump into our bed.
10:00 AM
Meeting to update my sizzle reel.
1:00 PM
I’m testing (OK, tasting) candy for a party we are hosting for Olympic bronze medalist Lia Neal and the NYC nonprofit Asphalt Green.
3:00 PM
A friend of a friend of a friend just got engaged. Sending a ton of Martha Stewart Weddings and vendor ideas, including superstar photographer Donna Newman.
4:00 PM
Calling Monique Lhuillier to talk about celebrating her first NYC boutique. Checking on Baked By Melissa’s pink cupcakes for this weekend’s BCRF event.
5:00 PM
Meeting with the MSW staff about our annual Bridal Fashion Week Party in October.
6:00 PM
Working on an interview for my OpenSky sale (one word: daisies!), and realize I need to pick up more Martha Stewart Crafts at Michael’s on the Upper West Side.
7:00 PM
Games, coloring, bedtime reading and cuddling with my girls. I’ll try not to fall asleep in one of their beds…probably will.
9:15 PM
Andy and I are heading around the corner to The Carlyle to grab a quick late-night hamburger in the lounge.

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