Photograph by Alexandre Tabaste

For Parisians Madjissem and Guillaume Salmon of Colette, it’s all about l’amour fou.

We have been together…
Madjissem: Almost six years.
Guillaume: It’s gonna be six years end of March.

Best date…
Madjissem: The first one — it was simple, funny and crazy. He brought me to his favorite bar, which was empty. He told me he had booked the entire place for us, which wasn’t true. Later, when people started arriving, we felt like nothing else existed but the two of us.
Guillaume: Yes, the first one! Ha ha, I thought it was a sex date, so I wanted to get her drunk at my favorite bar, The 21 Sound Bar. Then she told me, “You won’t have me the first night,” and I replied that I was not an easy guy either. But deep down, I knew my heart was already touched and blessed by her grace.

Best gift…
Madjissem: In 2011, a trip to my home country in Africa where I hadn’t been for eight years.
Guillaume: It’s a daily gift that she is still in love with me.

The first time I saw her/him, I thought…
Madjissem: “He’s the type of guy I could be with.”
Guillaume: “Waooooh! Is she really smiling at me?”

What we like to do together…
Madjissem: Chill at home.
Guillaume: And watch movies and eat.

What we don’t like to do together…
Madjissem: Watch football games.
Guillaume: Nothing. I like everything with her, even when she watches me watch football games.

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