Entrepreneurs Rachel and Neil find love in the big city.

We’ve been together…
Rachel: We’ve known each other 14 years, been together for nine and been married for four and a half — we’ve seen each other through a lot of fashion missteps!
Neil: Not long enough.

Best date…
Rachel: Any moment when we can take a walk alone without our iPhones is cherished and worthy of date status. My favorite memory was our first date, an inadvertent one, in which we walked for hours down the West Side Highway and took a ride on the water taxi — all in search of a snow cone (or an excuse for the day not to end).
Neil: We met for brunch at French Roast on 6th Avenue to recuperate after a late night. Brunch quickly turned into a full day date. It was a beautiful spring day, so we strolled through SoHo, continued downtown and randomly jumped into a water taxi together.

Best gift…
Rachel: This sounds so cheesy, but I truly view our relationship as the greatest gift. My favorite material gift is my engagement ring (a design collaboration between the two of us and my mentor Steven Grotell).
Neil: A penguin piñata for our one-year anniversary (the paper anniversary). The best birthday present Rachel ever gave me was an early edition of Don Quixote. The best Valentine’s Day present was tickets to a Mets game. She’s a very thoughtful gift-giver.

The first time I saw him/her, I thought…
Rachel: “Who is this guy?” He was in a tight t-shirt and dark jeans — I grew up in a beach town on Cape Cod and only knew guys who wore cargo pants and Abercrombie jeans.
Neil: “Who’s this cute girl wearing a ski hat with a pom-pom?”

What we like to do together…
Rachel: Travel, ski, yoga and Soul Cycle, play with our son Griffin, Omakase dates, and watch episodes of Homeland and The Good Wife.
Neil: Ski, watch Real Housewives of New Jersey (don’t tell anybody) and go to Cape Cod.

What we don’t like to do together…
Rachel: Cook. We specialize in eating out and delivery.
Neil: Clothing shop for her. I’m not actually sure whether she also dislikes this. I think I would rather remain ignorant….

What’s your best date story? Join the conversation on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram: #ToryFall13

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